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Greater Lehigh Valley Athletics

NFL Flag Official League

Coach FAQ

How do I become a coach? 

There are three steps that all coaches are required to complete. This is the same process for head and assistant coaches.

1. Log into your account on our website and choose a volunteer preference (volunteer tab). If you do not already have one, you must create one.
2. Complete the national criminal background check that will be EMAILED to you from our provider, JDP. This email is unique to you and cannot be forwarded to anyone else.
3. Submit a PA state child abuse clearance that is not greater than 5 years old. You can obtain one free check every 60 months per PA law. As per PA state volunteer regulations, these clearances must be obtained every 60 months and will be at no charge to our volunteers. Expired clearances must be renewed.

How many coaches are needed per team?

It is recommended that there be one head coach and one assistant coach per team, if possible.  Assistant coaches will be responsible to coach games if the head coach is unavailable. No more than FOUR coaches will be allowed on the field on game days. ALL coaches must be cleared by GLVA.

What happens if the head and assistant coach is unavailable for game day?

Once the season’s schedule is created, we will not change game times due to coach unavailability. ONLY coaches that have cleared the background check are eligible to step in during game time. If there are no coaches available, contact the league directors as they will find someone to coach your team. 

Are coach discounts available? 

Yes, head coaches will receive a discounted registration rate for their children. If background checks are not passed, a discount will not be provided. 

What are the rules for NFL Flag Football?

Rules for NFL Flag Football can be found here. A few of GLVA's rules differ from NFL flag, including the number of down to obtain a first. All coaches will be made aware of these changes at our coach training sessions.

How many players are permitted on one team?

The league targets a maximum number of 12 to ensure quality playing time for everyone.

Do I need prior football coaching experience?

No. Coaches will be provided training from Positive Coaching Alliance and GLVA directors to understand NFL Flag rules and applicable codes of conduct during the seasonal coaches meeting.

Greater Lehigh Valley Athletics

1540 Thompson Ave 
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18017

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