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Greater Lehigh Valley Athletics

NFL Flag Official League


Greater Lehigh Valley Athletics (GLVA), established in 2013, is a non-profit 501c (3) coed youth sports league.  The organization was established to promote the wholesome development of youth through their association with adult leaders.  GLVA is dedicated to the philosophy that all athletes will receive equal amounts of playing time regardless of skill, experience or ability.  Rules and regulations are established to ensure that players play in an atmosphere of safety with a competitive balance between teams.

GLVA is dedicated to teaching youth through positive role models with an emphasis on learning and enjoying a sport while instilling high moral standards by stressing the importance of academic achievement and community involvement. Helping kids become leaders and teammates, GLVA players will learn to both foster confidence and a sense of self-worth that extend beyond the field and into the school, family and community.

Sportsmanship, teamwork, honesty, responsibility and self-discipline are among the traits needed by today’s youth to face the future with positive aspirations and confidence.  Through the teaching of positive lessons, such as playing by the rules, our young athletes will learn to live by the rules.

By Laws

Posted Dec 22, 2013

Article I - Name

The name of this 501(c)3 non-profit coed youth sports organization shall be Greater Lehigh Valley Athletics (GLVA). GLVA was incorporated in November 2013. 

Article II - Purpose

The purpose of this organization is to introduce youth to a positive athletic experience.

-          All athletes will receive equal amounts of playing time regardless of skill, experience or ability
-          Players will learn to both foster confidence and a sense of self-worth that extend beyond the field and into the school, family and community
-          Rules and regulations are established to ensure that players play in an atmosphere of safety with a competitive balance between teams

Article III - Officers

The Officers/Voting Board Members of this association shall be the President, Vice -President, Secretary, Treasurer and others as assigned. To balance the makeup of the Board, every attempt shall be made to equalize the number of coach Board members and non-coach Board members. All elected officers shall be elected to a two-year term by the voting membership. No officers shall hold more than one office at a time. Although there shall be no limit to the number of terms that a Board member may serve, any Board member wishing to serve multiple terms, must be reelected by the membership at the annual meeting.

The Board may, at its discretion, create and fill any number of "Associate Board" positions to help define roles and responsibilities necessary for the conduct of the business of the GLVA.

Should a vacancy occur during the year, except in the office of President, the vacancy shall be filled through appointment of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall also appoint a person to assume the duties of President for the remainder of the term, subject to 2/3rds-majority ratification by the entire Board membership. No loans of Association funds shall be made to any member, officer or coach. The Association shall have the authority to purchase or lease facilities, equipment or services for the benefit of the Association 

Article IV - Duties of Officers

Subject to the limitation of the Articles of incorporation, and the Laws of the State of Pennsylvania, all corporate powers shall be exercised by, and the elected Board shall control the business and affairs of the Association. The Board will be the governing body of the Association insofar as Rules, policies, and the by-laws and amendments thereto, and such other matters as the Board and its officers may bring before them. The Board shall be responsible for the enforcement of all GLVA league rules and corporate policies established by the GLVA. They shall have authority to address all violations and impose any appropriate penalties.

The highest degree of ethical conduct is expected of all participants in the program. This includes strict adherence to both the spirit and the letter of the rules and regulations of this program. The use of alcohol, profanity and tobacco during practices or games is strictly prohibited. Drugs are not to be used by any player without the advice of their physician. All rule infractions or conduct contrary to the ethical standards of this program are subject to review by the Board, and can result in penalties being assessed against violators. Depending on the degree and nature of the violations, penalties could range from probation to expulsion of any adult or player from the program.

A majority of the voting membership shall be sufficient to remove any Board member for cause. The officers of the Association shall hold office until their successors are chosen and qualified, except that the Board may declare a vacancy in the event that an officer fails to attend three consecutive meetings or fails to perform the duties of his/her office.  


Shall be the principle executive officer of the association and will administer the by-laws and Rules of the GLVA as set forth by the Board. Will appoint all committees. Will receive and review all grievances. Will be given certain discretionary powers to permit carrying out the policies of the Board. Will be an Ex-Officio member of all committees. Will have prime responsibility for recruiting new board member candidates from among the membership. The President shall have voting rights when necessary.Shall have the prime responsibility for insuring that all players and coaches are in compliance with league rules and policies. After consultation with the league director, shall be authorized to temporarily suspend any individual or activity that poses an immediate physical danger, safety hazard or is a gross violation of league or GLVA rules. Will report to the Board on conditions related to the above duties.  

Vice President

Shall assist the President in administering the by-laws, policies and rules of the GLVA as set forth by the Board. Will preside over all regular Board and general membership association meetings in the absence of the President. Will be given certain discretionary powers to permit carrying out the policies of the Board.   


Will assist the President, Vice President and staff in the recording of the minutes and any other matters pertaining to the distribution of all information to the Board, association members, coaches, referees, sponsors, and participants. The Secretary will handle the general correspondence, newsletters and record keeping associated with GLVA administration. The Secretary will prepare the annual calendar for the association with input from the Board. The Secretary will distribute minutes of meetings in written form to the Board members before the next scheduled meeting. The Secretary shall be in charge of the Association insurance program and present proposed programs to the Board. The Board will make the final decision as to the type of coverage and which programs to purchase.  


Will receive all monies that accrue to the GLVA from any source other than registration, concessions and ways and means and deposit them in a bank, in the name of the GLVA. Will submit the financial record of the GLVA to the Board for audit when directed and at least once a year on or about the second Sunday in December. Will see that all authorized bills are paid promptly and will assure that no payments are made or unauthorized obligations are incurred. It shall be the function of the Treasurer, in conjunction with the league director, to prepare an annual budget for board approval. A quarterly financial statement will be submitted in writing, at each Board meeting.


GLVA will create sub-committees for the purpose of assisting the day-to-day league operations. Committee members will be non-voting members. Election will be approved by the Board of Directors

Article V - Meetings

The annual meeting of the members for the election of officers and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the members, shall be held at any convenient time and place within the last two (2) months of each calendar year. Such meetings shall be called by the President upon thirty (30) days written notice. If the annual meeting of members is not held as herein prescribed, the election of officers may be held at the next meeting where a quorum is present.

The regular business meetings of the organization shall be held quarterly, unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board. At these meetings, the voting membership shall consist of all elected Board members. Unless specified elsewhere in these bylaws, all actions of the Board require a quorum and a simple majority vote of the Board members present.

Other meetings may be held to suit the requirements of the Association's business and the convenience of the members. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon written request of five (5) active Board members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the written request. Except in the case of an emergency, at least 10 days’ notice shall be given.

Notice of meetings shall be given in writing and either delivered personally, mailed to each member at his/her home address, or sent electronically at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail properly addressed with postage prepaid. Attendance of a member shall be mandatory for all properly called meetings of the Board unless excused by the President.

Article VI - Elections

Initial nominations for Board membership will be accepted by open nomination or by volunteering to serve as a member. Nominations will be accepted at the annual meeting. A majority vote will constitute election. Election results will be determined immediately by the Secretary and Treasurer. Each board member will serve a period of one year, at which time the board will approve re-election and appoint members as appropriate.

Article VII - Quorum

Except where otherwise prescribed by law:

•  a quorum for any annual meeting of members shall consist of all eligible members present, either in person or by a duly authorized representative, at that meeting provided that a reasonable attempt to give notice of that meeting has been made to all eligible members; members unable to attend in person are eligible to join via conference call;

•  a majority of the Board (based on the number of positions actually filled at the time) shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special business meeting;

•  if a quorum be not present at a properly called regular or special business meeting, the meeting may be adjourned by those present, without due notice being given, provided however, that any meeting at which officers are to be elected shall be adjourned only from day to day until such officers have been elected and those who attend the second of such adjourned meetings, although less than a quorum as herein fixed, shall never the less constitute a quorum for the purpose of electing officers.  

Article VIII - Rules

All meetings shall be run in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order. At the meetings of members, the order of business shall be as follows:

•  Calling the meeting to order
•  Proof of notice of meeting
•  Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
•  Report of Officers
•  Report of Committees
•  Election of Officers (annual meeting only)
•  Other business  

Article IX - Committees

The Board shall determine the number and nature of committees. The committees may include but shall not be limited to the following:

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee will consist of the President and three additional members as appointed by the President. Its purpose will be to act on behalf of the Board of Directors when the Board is unable to meet or a special meeting cannot be called. All actions/decisions will then be ratified by the Board at the next meeting.

Screening Committee

Chaired by the President, this Committee will review all coach/volunteer applicants for eligibility. Upon completion of a registration form, the coach/volunteer gives the GLVA permission to perform a national background check via their partner Should an adverse result be received by the GLVA, the organization will first confirm the identity of the applicant to ensure the adverse record is not for another person with the same first name, last name, and date of birth. The GLVA reserves the right to deny coach/volunteer eligibility.

Grievance Committee

Chaired by the President, this Committee will convene only at the direction of the Board. This committee will meet to address any issue between teams, parents and coaches that cannot be resolved by other means. The committee will have authority to render decisions and levy disciplinary action as required. This committee's term will expire with the resolution of the grievance.

The other members of this committee will be selected by the Executive Board and shall consist of:

• One current Coach not involved with the grievance issue;
• One individual from the community or the at large membership not serving on the Board;
• One non-coach elected Board member.

Article X - Use of Funds and Assets

The funds and assets of the Association shall be used solely for the purposes of the Association as set forth in Article II of these bylaws. No part of the Association's funds may be used for propaganda or influencing legislation. No part of such funds, assets, and earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of or be distributed to any member, director, officer, or other official of the Association. The Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.

Article XI - Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Association shall be July 1 – June 30.

Article XII - Fees The Board shall determine registration fees annually and incorporate these fees into the yearly budget. The budget presentation shall occur during a meeting of the Board.

Article XIII- Dismissal

Conduct contrary to the goals of the GLVA, if not addressed could diminish achievements and lead to the demise as a viable youth oriented athletic association. Any member of the GLVA, whether they are a player, GLVA Board Member, is subject to suspension or dismissal from the program by the Board if, in its opinion, their failure to comply with the by-laws or Rules of the GLVA is detrimental to the program and the GLVA. Evidence of misconduct or failure to comply with the by-laws or rules shall be presented in writing to the President and the Board and will outline, in detail, the charge being preferred. When an adult participant is suspended they will be entitled to a hearing. The request for the hearing must be made to the President within 48 hours of the incident. If required, the President may convene the Grievance Committee as outlined in Article IX. At the next regular meeting, or at a special meeting if deemed necessary, the Board will hear the complaint and recommendation of the Grievance Committee and a decision will be handed down. Suspension or dismissal will require a two-thirds (2/3rds)-majority vote of the Board, with a quorum consisting of a majority of the members being present.

Suspension or dismissal of any player, adult, head coach, or staff member of any team by the President shall be authorized under extreme emergency circumstances. Said actions of the President are to be ratified by the Board at its next regular meeting, or at a special meeting if called pursuant to the procedure outlined in the previous paragraphs.

Article XIV - Amendments

These by-laws may be amended, or repealed by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board attending any regular or special meeting of the membership, provided that the first reading of the amendment is made at one meeting, and that debate and vote upon the amendment transpires at the next regular or special meeting of the Board.

Article XV - Effective Date

The by-laws shall be in effect commencing with their adoption.

Article XVI - Dissolution

Upon dissolution of the Association, the Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of the Association's lawful debts, distribute all assets to any of the following organizations:

•  organizations who have been organized and are operated for purposes consistent with those of the Association who are operated as exempt organizations under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States law).

•  organizations operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501 (c)(3) of such Code.

•  to the State of Pennsylvania or a political subdivision thereof.

•  to the United States of America.  

Greater Lehigh Valley Athletics

1540 Thompson Ave 
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18017

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